There are lot of plans...anything specific you would like to see sooner, please come and share in discord!
Jan 13 2024
new mother ship (on level 21)
new mother ship (on level 9) and small bit rebalanced 2 other motherships
added 3 new big cannons (level 16)
added 3 new medium cannons (unlocked at level 11)
added French chat
player can choose favorite guns in mission (or any gun he has, not just last 3),
added feature to continue playing mission even after boss is killed
added option to escape from mission - similar to quit, but you get 1 Upgradium and materials you have harvested (available only with carrier lvl 3)
new mother ship has bigger material and Upgradium storage
fusion % is saved in mission
build/upgrade bonuses in modules are renamed to upgrade bonuses (removed build) but the cost and time is reduced for upgrading cannons (was also bugged before)
improved cannon info
slightly increased xp required on lvls 21-30 (lvl 30 is max, and there were added features recently to gain more xp, i will try to balance this every month)
its easier to unlock new galaxies
added new setting to always show asteroid info
added new setting to always show ship radius
patrol ship should stop following you if you are more than 6000m away
holding shift or ctrl during disassemble will avoid "are you sure" popup
dual rocket modifier renamed to extra rocket
reworked side menu - scrollable if too big and zoomed to just some scale level.
improved admin editor for cannons and ships
coded ricochet bouncing (will add more guns or modifier with this effect)
improved projectile hit algorithm
bit optimized laser hit effect and added little randoms
improved metagame saving algorithm
"progress saved" notification no longer shown if no progress was done
reaching level 30 will generate system msg into clan chat
date in chat in phone is moved - looks better
added additional info to galaxy paths
tweaked few details in campaigns
screen shaking by mines optimized
added warning sound when mine attacks
frigates are sorted in fleet table
refactored area damage (rockets, bombs)
fixed missing modifier name when picking modifier (there was just "locked" instead)
fixed - wave ambush units were not saved
fixed scaling side menu when building more ships
fixed some admin data, and refactored few pieces of code
fixed projectile hit effect (was nearly always shield effect)
fixed bug where fusion button was visible even if fusion was disabled in that campaign mission type
fixed capitalism tech in case you had just one
fixed bug with missing one popup if researched capitalism and modifier at the same time
Jan 04 2024
fixed idle laser harvest while harvester attacking
fixed frigate combo (harvester) again
fixed invisible huge cannon when zoomed out
fixed ships not attacking while heading to docks
fixed upgradium for brutal 2 3 difficulty
fixed server loading times
fixed module upgrade info (it added previous upgrades in the module attribute info, just visual issue, fixed after refresh)
Jan 03 2024
Major Changes
6 new galaxies = 2 new difficulties (brutal 2 and brutal 3, nothing special about these)
7 new long time actions;
added asteroid info when asteroid scan is ON
you will be able to select which capital ship you want in a mission
Minor changes
lastly used long time actions will have different color (resets after refresh)
increased range of healing beam (by 50%); added bonus if you finish mission under 5 minutes, and changed 25minutes to 20minutes
added info about resource from destroyed modules in simulation
again improved modifier generator (frigate combo should work better)
added extra info to ships with healing beam (when it gets ready)
medium frigate as harvesters should not fly to hangar during fights
fixed loading game rules bug
fixed follow position bug
fixed huge cannon module perk (worked only on motherships)
fixed rare issue with saving mission (with many modifiers)
fixed missing bottom non logged button
fixed(probably) a bug where all modules were gone (just visual bug)
fixed bug with never-ending pvp
fixed melee creatures again
fixed issue with harvester fighters and full storage
Dec 31 2023
Major changes:
added possibility to upgrade modules;
added reward for destroying modules
trash collector costs less to research, and is in 4th line,
fusion bonus moved to fifth line
leap has extra move/turn bonus for 8 seconds
added arena tickets (pvp can be fight with arena tickets now, daily +15)
added pvp rewards (first version, bear with me)
Minor changes:
selectable stats in module overview (to be able to copy them)
reworked modules - bit different stat value formulas - more dependent on rarity
added module rarity colors
added admin tool to find PHP/js power/endurance difference quicker
small bit nerfed loxodonta,
small bit boosted artillery dog
improved the info about power (added fleet info)
improved password reset ability (admin)
removed the info(just info) of xp reward from mission when you are level 30
improved random modifier generator, it should not randomly give skill, and then again full skill
bit improved the positioning of ship follow outside mission
added few new wave types against mothership
waves outside missions have now bonus from higher difficulties (they are harder)
bit improved how the power/endurance calculator works on the background
material transactions in colossus visually improved and also added custom option
improved sounds in transactions
probably fixed issue with enemies not attacking if you were to far... so missions might get harder
fixed one bug with wrong endurance calculator (took me 3 hours)
fixed bug - swapping module group wont change the info in header (since it always uses group 1)
fixed enemy attacking priorities
fixed creature melee attack
fixed material rewards from simulation (more was given then shown)
fixed visual bug with starting tower lvl 2 on mothership
fixed missing lines to mothership engines
fixed sounds in modules
Dec 27 2023
Major changes
added "remove all modules" button from rewards
reduced fusion drops for destroyers and hi-tec harvesters.
more fusion materials in brutal difficulty (reverted old setting) but units from factories/waves still drop no fusion materials.
endurance of patrol units is bigger with every 10 seconds, yet they drop extra fusion materials
galaxy circles grow on hover + cursor changes
hidden galaxy paths are better displayed
ESC key now closes popups and side menus
added pvp simulate all button
Minor changes
announcements are visible in mission as well
improved my admin tools
Fighters upgrade requirement levels changed
sound settings looks better
tweaked music in first campaign mission
fixed - removed "we will avenge them" text
fixed the pvp info - the power and endurance was never capped by 0.85 and 1.175
fixed 1 bug with materials in creature missions
fixed missing trash in missions
fixed capital ship formation slots
fixed text in building new ship
fixed modifier visibility - higher difficulty modifier is also visible in lower difficulty if selected
fixed wrong starting material in creature mission
fixed small bug with quest-kill all enemies
fixed pause bug when starting creature mission
fixed double tap on phones with zoom out
fixed possibility to move in first campaign
fixed button in first campaign mission
Dec 21 2023
Major changes
New very short campaign (like 1 minute) - just introduction of creatures (its skipped if you play creature mission, also not available if you are in galaxy with colossus)
Add new mission type - creatures in galaxy map [creature clusters] - daily you will be able to pick one mission where you attack creatures with your mother ship
Minor changes
refactored galaxy pulse effect, refactoring mission init functions • improved visual explosion of creatures;
added turbo glue attack to some creatures (will push your ship) • bit shorter attack range to rocket tanks (1450 to 1300);
more real fights options in arena;
added few more creatures (compared to the demo)
improved my ship editor tool;
improved my game engine - creature scale, its damage and health depends on this scale
fixed some texts (modifiers, techs, labels);
fixed kamikaze/mines damage - is now scaled with difficulty • fixed rare bug with weird module attribute in hint
Dec 08 2023
Major changes
added upgrading colossus (not clan, but its base) - but for now it is not used anywhere - will be in next version
new mother ship (has 3 modules slots)
new modifier: Super-mini-carrier
2 new modifiers related to fighters (Fighter Swarm, Fighter rage)
added info about undiscovered paths(in galaxies)
rebalanced your fighter production and maximums
Minor changes
simulations are done towards last simulated/won galaxy (there was bug that it counted also mission you lost)
there is no ambush if you are near colossus (in galaxy with your colossus)
added extra weapon info
On pc if you dont have enough materials to research a tech, then there is not a popup but just a small notification
added confirmation when picking modifiers inside mission
added confirmation to simulate if module storage is full
added info about 1st 2nd and 3rd win into difficulty notes
improved range of fighters to start their attack
bit improved enemy logic (they should start attacking you if you are attacking them)
fixed mass module delete tool shenanigans
fixed capital rockets modifier
fixed bug where your additional capital ship could have frigates
fixed bug where frigate build menu did not work
fixed bug where harvesters decided to go random pos and sit there
fixed one issue where docking ships were slow (they were trying to dock) even though carrier was far away... (it looked like bug with no turbo)
fixed a bug where capitalism ship did not jump while it was following your carrier that jumped
fixed rockets that picked additional random targets - should not start a war
fixed enemy big ship attack style...
fixed(removed) laser harvest in pvp
fixed bug with wrong cannon level info outside mission
fixed visual bug where modules went over max
fixed info about modules in upgrading mothership;
fixed weapon slot colors after upgrading mothership
fixed advanced harvesting technology
fixed maximums of fighters (techs were not working)
fixed rare destroy bug with same modules
maybe fixed glitching music when logging in
maybe fixed energy regen visual bug
maybe fixed storm issues after mission ended
Last updated