Novice Guide
As a newbie, while leveling up in a game, it is important to focus on improving in certain areas according to your playstyle. This may include mastering essential skills, exploring different strategies, and understanding game mechanics. However, it is crucial to use your own discretion, as each player's preferred playstyle may vary, and adapting the advice to your own preferences will ensure a more enjoyable gaming experience.
Approach the tips provided cautiously due to evolving game dynamics and strategies. Veteran players may not fully understand the new player experience. Focus on enjoying the game, completing missions, and achieving three daily wins. Progress at your own pace, simulate the best possible outcome, and anticipate about 60 days of regular play to maximize your account. Purchasing Battle Pass can expedite progress, but it is not necessary. Ultimately, prioritize fun and play according to personal preferences.
When spending UPGradium, it is recommended to prioritize starting materials, damage, and range. Once these are leveled up to 50, you can consider investing in hull and carrier storage. Hull upgrades offer significant stat boosts, especially for larger ships, and armor upgrades become available at level 20 to further increase ship durability. However, if you plan to use a hi-tec carrier strategy, focusing on shield and shield regeneration upgrades will be beneficial.
When saving up Basic-M, it is recommended to unlock and bind the full tech tree, prioritizing useful and mandatory endgame techs in all four categories. Focus on science fiction and quick research, as other research upgrades may not be necessary. After completing tech upgrades, invest in small turrets upgrades if your levels allow it. Then, allocate Basic-M towards upgrading your mothership in preparation for modules. Next, spend it on escorts, mothership guns, and capital ship escorts to boost your galaxy power and help your clan dominate territories. While territory domination currently provides a 1% boost to station income, it is expected to be further buffed in future updates.
SMALL - Basic Cannon and Disc Launcher are fast guns but deal less damage. Rocket Launchers are of solid construction. At Level 7 additional cannons can become available which opens up increased DPS options. Small Laser has significant advantages being able to deal great damage AND slowly harvest materials without a modifier. Small Omni Guns are a mix of offensive and defensive where strategy is generally mixed. Lastly the Small Multilauncher is the upgraded Rocket Launcher.
MEDIUM - Flak and Fortified Cannons are good offensive options but choice depends on desired combat strategy (short or long range). Omni Guns are a mix of offensive and defensive where strategy is generally mixed.
LARGE - Dual Cannons are a good starter. Big laser is a strong option when fully upgraded. Twin bomb launchers have the advantage of splash damage.
Some of the notable modifiers in the game include Fusion Overcharge, which allows you to quickly bank a large amount of materials per cast, Tower Level 2, which provides a free level 2 upgrade to all towers, and Einstein, which lets you research techs one level ahead of your current level. Careful Harvest and Small Medium Slots are also options, but they have their limitations and trade-offs. Ultimately, these modifiers can enhance your gameplay and provide various advantages depending on your strategy.
The best method is really for each player to determine their playstyle and investigate/experiment with each of the modifiers as they become available.
SeeMission Modifiers for the full list.
Setting Frigate behaviors and formation is important. Defenders or Destroyers can be good choices depending on your needs. A high-level modifier can make a Medium Frigate very versatile. Rocket Tanks have good damage and range but are expensive. Laser Frigates & Yons are fragile but can be upgraded for high damage output and range.
Overall, it is important to consider the specific modifiers, upgrades, and modules to enhance the performance of your Frigates.
Large Ships
Generally the higher the level requirement, the better the performance. At level 20, players can choose between the Loxodonta, which has an improved big laser, and the Osiris, which has a healing ray and a weaker big laser. At level 25, the Artillery Dog becomes available and has higher power with a Capital Slayer.
Capital ships can be called in by researching the capitalism tech in the MISC TECH tree.
To maximize your bonuses and rewards for mission performance, focus on completing missions within the specified time limits below. Additionally, make sure to manage your resources and Frigates effectively to maximize payout. Upgrading your carrier level is not necessary for maximizing rewards.
Time limit bonus structure:
5 minutes or less a 30% bonus
10 minutes or less a 20% bonus
20 minutes or less a 10% bonus
Research is broken into Offensive, Defensive, Economy & Misc. Techs. Additional technology can be expanded through Tech Up (early lvls) or bound for permanent use in mission through Bind Technologies in the Mothership Menu. Determining the best Research path depends on intended playstyle of above upgrade areas.
OFFENSIVE TECH will provide boosts to unit types speed, damage, targeting and unit types but leave openings in defenses and harvesting
DEFENSIVE TECH provides additional buffs to hull, shields and repairs required for attacking larger enemy groups
ECONOMY TECH helps improve all things harvesting and fusion related. The more material you gather the faster you can upgrade your fleet
MISC TECH improves all other areas including; research, unit speeds, scanning, chaining, engines, special skills and additional fleet support
A good starting strategy would be to spread out harvested resources across each of the tech types evenly while building a fleet. As playstyle develops focus on the tech area required for that mission.
**This section requires additional detail.
Maximizing your range bonus is crucial in combat, as it allows you to engage enemies before they can attack you. By investing in range upgrades and modules, you can retaliate against any enemy except for those with capital killer cannons. With this strategy, you will always have the advantage of attacking first and never be in a position where you can't fire back at your attackers.
The preference for modules in the game depends again on playstyle. If you prefer long-range weapons and powerful lasers, then obtaining capital ship range modules would be beneficial.
Modules are randomly generated but can be influenced by player level and the difficulty of the galaxy
As you progress and reach higher levels, more powerful modules become available
It is important to aim for modules with desired effects, such as range and damage bonuses, and to avoid equipping modules with useless effects. Modules can be equipped on both the mothership and carrier, and they are one of the main ways to increase range. Improving the mothership increases the number of modules that can be equipped, with the current maximum being 3.
PvP is entirely free and there are no major benefits other than increasing your tactics score. You are given 15 tickets per day to engage in 15 fights. Achieving high scores on the power leaderboards may not necessarily translate to practicality in PVP battles.
It is recommended to strategically position your capital ships and frigates and focus on fleet formation. Your fleet composition is important and not all about max Power. Winning in PVP depends on your modules, fleet formation, and overall damage.
Additionally, the game simulates PVP battles offscreen, considering factors like power, endurance, tactics scores, and average attack range to determine the advantage in the fight.
Source material for creating this guide was provided by @ Mr.Kill
Last updated