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Clans are a way to group up with other players of similar mindset and dominate the galaxy!
Joining a Clan allows a player to CHAT with other clan members, SHARE BATTLE PASS, donate MATERIALS to the clan and enables galaxy DOMINATION.
Displays info on current storage of Materials and Upgradium as well as max capacity.
Deposit allows donating your Material and Upgradium resources to the Clan.
Load Transactions keeps track of 2 weeks of transactions to help monitor activity. Transaction data is only available for the role of Assistant or higher.
GREEN Ring - Dominated by your Clan
You gain more materials in galaxy that is dominated by your clan.
There is no ambush if you are in galaxy that is dominated by your clan.
Domination fights happen every 8 hours; Fights are calculated only in galaxies that allows it; Fight outcome depends on power and endurance. Having more ships is better.
Endurance and power also depends on amount of time you are in the galaxy - every hour (max72) increases your power and endurance by 5%
You can also increase your power and endurance by upgrading clan strength.
Btw amount of ships in galaxy is seen in galaxy map - just zoom in the galaxy map circle! (you wont see enemy ships next to your mother ship).
More detail on levels available in Upgrades sub-page.
Shows list of Clan members. A member's Name/Power/Endurance/Last Activity/Role are listed for each ranked member. Higher ranks will have the ability to manage others role within a Clan. Those with power can Promote, Demote, Kick or Transfer Ownership within the Clan.
Novice: No special rights
Soldier: Sees info about clan
Major: Can do some special actions in clan-events
Assistant: Can manage members, list transactions, upgrade colossus, and change texts
Leader: Can do everything